Monday, June 24, 2013

GTS Runner's Spotlight - Sylvia Gilmore

Sylvia was one of the first regulars to our group runs back in the day at the Gulf Terrace H&B  trail.  Her humor and personality always shines through to brightens everyone's day. She's run plenty of races and is racking up those AG awards! Way to go Sylvia! 

1. What made you take up the sport of running?

I've run off and on forever, but not very seriously until about 9 yrs ago when our daughter was talked into running cross country at Kelly HS. We kinda got caught up in it and ran a few local runs, etc. with other parents. It was an easy and fast way to stay in decent shape or lose weight; although it's gotten more difficult as I get older. 

2. How do you stay motivated to run?

In cooler temps it's easier to stay motivated. I run with GTS and the Sea Rim Striders (summer runs) to make myself run. It makes me feel better if I do it. I'm not a nice person when I'm injured and unable to run. When I first started running, a local Orthopedist told me I'd never be a long distance runner.....that motivates me some too.

3. What tip do you have for runners training in the heat?

Heat is the devil. Wear light-weight clothes, hydrate a lot, run early morning or later evening. ( or on a treadmill indoors). Just know you're gonna run slower. I do, whether I like it or not. We've also been known to run through lawn sprinklers or pour water over our heads. (my husband does this a lot at summer races.)

4. What's your next big race and your goal for it?

Not sure what my next big race is. My goal for any race is to finish without being injured or broken. I just want to do this as long as I'm able. 

5. How did you hear about the Golden Triangle Strutters and why should other's come out and run with them?

I heard about GTS from other running friends. It's a fun, easy group to run with. There are fast serious runners, mediocre runners, slow runners, walkers/runners; all paces, your own pace, whatever you want to try. Everyone is enthusiastic & sweaty & hot, but usually pretty happy when finished. I've found that runners in general are supportive and welcome all levels of runners.

Keep on running my friend!!

Check out the previous GTS Runners Spotlights. 

April F.
Lionel B.
Daniel V. 

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